The Fresno Stonewall Democratic Club, a political club devoted to advancing the equal rights of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, preference, or identity, stands in support of Fresno EOC and the Fresno Chaffee Zoo for holding a Pride Night for LGBTQ+ families and allies.
The attack on the LGBTQ+ community as it celebrates Pride in the month of June with parades, flag raisings and celebrations is an attack on our constitutional rights to seek equality.
The hateful rhetoric and misinformation spread by Bredefeld and his Christian Call to Action seem to forget that he has LGBTQ+ constituents and there are LGBTQ+ Christians and members of their churches. Bredefeld has no right to question members of the LGBTQ+ community on their relationship to God or prayer.
2022 is set to break records for anti-LGBTQ legislation, with hundreds of bills introduced across the USA. The gay community has fought for equality for 53 years, since the “Stonewall Riots”, and we will not be silenced or go back.
If Bredefeld and the pastors were true Christians they would recognize that God created all of us, not just the ones they value.
Marsha Conant
Fresno Stonewall Democrats, President