ACLU: Legislation Affecting LGBTQ Rights Across The Country

If you think it’s just a few bills, you’re wrong. The number of bills in consideration across the country is overwhelming. Please click the link below to read more at ACLU’s website.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in America continue to face discrimination in their daily lives. While more states every year work to pass laws to protect LGBTQ people, we continue to see state legislatures advancing bills that target transgender people, limit local protections, and allow the use of religion to discriminate.

January Meeting is Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022

The Fresno Stonewall Democrats meet on the second Tuesday every month at 5:30pm for a 30 minute social followed by our Call To Order at 6:00pm. You do not have to be a member to attend meetings.

Due to a surge in Covid numbers we will meet on Zoom this month. The meeting agenda, previous meeting minutes, and other materials or fliers, can be viewed or downloaded at .

For the Zoom link please join our mailing list for meeting announcements or send an email to us at and we’ll get you connected.