Thank You Lillian Faderman, Sponsors, Hosts, Friends…

…and thank you to all who attended our recent event and for being a part of a fun evening with long time friends, associates, and allies. The evening was delightful, exceeded all our expectations, and attendance surpassed all previous club events since before the pandemic. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and contributed to this event.

Special thanks to our sponsors and hosts who made everything possible.

Democratic Women In Action
Beth Lederach
Bruce Jewell
Peter Robertson

JoEl Vargas & PRP Wine International
Marsha Conant
Fresno Reel Pride

Marsha Conant
Myra Coble
Robin McGehee
Cathy Brass
Kathryn Hall
Carole Laval

Special Thanks to our hosts
Richard Jennings & Peyton Bryars

Guest Host
Fresno City Council Vice President

Annalisa Perea

Guests of Honor

Lillian Faderman & Phyllis Irwin

and Congratulations to the
Silent Auction Winners!

An Evening with Lillian Faderman

A Conversation about
“Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death”

With Special Guest Fresno City Council Vice President Annalisa Perea

Lillian Faderman, author of Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, will be our guest at a special event at Richard & Peyton’s fabulous home on March 23, 2023, at 6:00pm. Councilwoman Annalisa Perea will start off the conversations as we all relax and enjoy this intimate talk. There will be some great food and refreshments for all to enjoy throughout the evening.

Lillian Faderman is a professor emeritus at Fresno State where she taught for 40 years, she with her partner Phyllis Irwin started the Women’s Studies Program in 1971. Faderman is a distinguished scholar of LGBTQ2+ and ethnic history and literature. She has received numerous awards for her previous twelve books, three of which Surpassing the Love of Men, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers and The Gay Revolution, have been named by the New York Times as Notable Books of the Year. Her most recent book is WOMAN the American History of an Idea.

Tickets are $30 for Stonewall members, $35 for non-members, and $10 for students. We have VIP tickets for $100 that include a signed copy of her book or you can be a sponsor of the event for $250 or $500.

Click here to pay via ActBlue: 

Pay with your Smartphone

Printable Flyer (PDF): Click here

Visit Dr. Faderman’s website to learn more about her
and the books she’s written:

General Meeting Tuesday, March 14 at 5:30pm

Please join us for our first meeting back in a restaurant! Everyone is encouraged to order dinner and/or drinks during our social and “hot topic” segment from 5:30pm until 6:00pm, afterwhich we’ll call the meeting to order and continue with our agenda while you enjoy your dinner.


Los Amigos Restaurant
5088 N Blackstone, Fresno, CA
(on Blackstone Ave just North of Shaw)

Scheduled Speakers:

Meeting Documents: