2020 Electoral Outlook

If you missed our meeting last week, we had Michael Evans of the Fresno Democratic Party give us a presentation on what we can expect and what need to do for the upcoming Presidential Election next year. Here’s his presentation:

Fresno Grizzlies PRIDE Night 7/25/2019

Join the Fresno Grizzlies for Pride Night on Thursday, July 25!

Proceeds from this special ticket package will benefit Fresno Rainbow Pride, and only tickets that are purchased online will raise money for Fresno Rainbow Pride 2020. Players will wear on-field theme jerseys which will be auctioned off to benefit Common Space, who does some amazing work in the local LGBTQ+ community. We will also have some wonderful pregame and in-game entertainment and spotlights on members of our community who are on the forefront of diversity and inclusion in the central valley, including but not limited to a performance of the “Star Spangled Banner” by Ray Quenga and first pitches by prominent members of the local government and business community who are members or allies of the LGBTQ+ community here in Fresno.

Special Tickets benefiting Fresno Rainbow Pride:

President Trump will stop at nothing

President Trump will stop at nothing to ensure that LGBTQ rights and protections are systematically dismantled under his administration. His latest attack is so extreme that it would roll back nondiscrimination protections against transgender people who seek lifesaving medical care.

The Department of Health and Human Services recently announced a proposal to redefine the Affordable Care Act’s anti-discrimination protections to exclude “gender identity.” 1 The proposed rule would give health care providers a license to discriminate against transgender people.

We need to show that there is massive public opposition to this rule. If you sign now, we will include your signature in our public comment to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Tell the Department of Health and Human Services: Everyone deserves full, equal access to lifesaving medical care. Preserve anti-discrimination laws that protect transgender people in healthcare. Click here to add your name.

The ACA’s Health Care Rights Law guarantees full, equal access to medical care and insurance coverage regardless of race, color, national origin, gender identity, sex, age or disability. The inclusion of gender identity as a protected class under the ACA’s Health Care Rights Law was a historic Obama-era law that protects over 3 million people across the country from discrimination and ensures quality health care to all. The proposed HHS rule would redefine anti-discrimination protections on the basis of sex to exclude “gender identity.” 2

The proposed rule would:

  • Allow health care professionals and insurance providers to deny transition-related care, including gender reassignment surgery, to transgender people. 3
  • Grant a license to discriminate and allow health care providers to deny general health care on the basis of religious beliefs.4
  • Roll back protections for people with Limited English Proficiency and people with disabilities who rely on the Health Care Rights Law for support navigating the health care system. 5
  • Allow health care providers to deny abortion care and information. 6
  • Eliminate protections for people living with HIV/AIDS from being denied care or charged exorbitant prices for lifesaving medicine.7

This proposed rule was introduced only one week after the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act to extend civil rights protections to the LGBTQ community and ban discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

This proposed rule is only one of many attacks Trump is waging against the LGBTQ community. Trump is dismantling protections in housing, work and health care. We must fight back against this proposed rule and continue to fight to ensure that the LGBTQ community has full, equal civil rights protections.

Alongside our partner Transgender Law Center, we are mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people to make their voices heard to the Department of Housing and Human Services. Your name will be included in a comment that will be read and summarized by the federal government. Can you add your name today?

Tell the Department of Health and Human Services: Everyone deserves full, equal access to lifesaving medical care. Preserve anti-discrimination laws that protect transgender people in healthcare. Click the link below to add your name.


Thanks for fighting back,

ThaĆ­s Marques, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

Add your name:


  1. Kate Sosin, “Trump Moves to Roll Back Healthcare Protections for Trans Individuals,” them, May 24, 2019.
  2. Chris Johnson, “Trump admin seeks to roll back trans health care protections in Obamacare,” The Washington Blade, May 24, 2019.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Transgender Law Center, “Know Your Rights,” accessed July 3, 2019.
  5. Dominic Holden and Ema O’Connor, “Trump Is Gutting Health Care Protections For Transgender People And Those Who Have Had Abortions,” Buzzfeed News, May 24, 2019.
  6. Johnson, “Trump admin seeks to roll back trans health care protections in Obamacare.”

Transgender Law Center, “Know Your Rights.”