December Monthly Meeting

Fresno Stonewall Democrats meets on the second Tuesday every month at 5:30pm for a 30 minute social followed by our Call To Order at 6:00pm. You must be a registered Democrat to join the club (you do not have to be a member to attend meetings).

Join us at Fresno County Democratic Party Headquarters or connect to us on Zoom (details below). The meeting agenda, previous meeting minutes, and other materials or fliers, can be viewed or downloaded at .

Justin St. George recently established an off-campus organization to create a safe, inclusive, and discriminatory free environment for LGBTQ+ students and allied individuals through monthly meetings, community service, and educational symposiums. This was done after Fresno Pacific University denied his request to form a LGBTQ+ Pride Club on campus. He also created a faith-based coalition consisting of 17 Central Valley Christian leaders, securing meeting spaces for the group and a financial sponsor within days of fruition. More information is available on the Birds For Pride Instagram page.

Justin St. George

Meeting: Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021
5:30 PM – Social & Refreshments
6:00 PM – Meeting Calls to Order
Location: 1033 U Street, Fresno, CA

Click here to view/download the agenda and other docs.

Get on our mailing list to receive meeting announcements and the Zoom link every month. If you missed the announcement just send an email to and we’ll send the link to you.