General Meeting May 14th at 5:30 PM

Please join us for dinner, drinks, and our monthly meeting Tuesday, April 9th. All Democrats are welcome to attend meetings. Annual memberships cost $20 for the whole year and help us accomplish our mission and objectives.

As announced previously, this May 14 meeting will be an endorsement meeting. Members in good standing will vote to decide on endorsements of Luis Chavez for Fresno County Supervisor and possbily others.

Michael Evans will also be speaking at this meeting (via Zoom) about a statewide ballot measure that some are calling the “Taxpayer Deception Act.” Members will vote on a position after hearing Michael’s presentation. More information here:

Show Unity and Support at Pride

HELP CREATE A DEMOCRATIC PRESENCE AT Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade & Festival June 1st!

Fresno Stonewall Democrats is a sponsor of Pride again this year along with Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club and Democratic Women In Action. ALL Democrats in Fresno County and surrounding areas are encouraged to show unity and support of the LGBTQ+ Community by RIDING on our float in the Pride Parade! We’ll need help decorating also and volunteers to run the Party Table & Booth at the Pride Festival afterward.

Please sign up to help decorate the float, ride the “Rainbow Wave” with us, and/or work a 2 hour shift at the Dem Party table at the festival:

Parade STARTS at 10:00 AM so we need you to be at the staging area by 8 am to decorate or 9am to assemble. Signs with your club name or logo would be fun to wave while riding down Olive Ave, or bring your favorite flags. The Festival OPENS at 11:00 AM and it would be nice to have people there as attendees start arriving.

JUNE 1, 2024
Help Decorate: 8 AM
Ride on our Float: 9 AM
Volunteer at our Festival Booth: 11 AM

RSVP / Sign Up on Mobilize:
Click to download the flyer to share.

Keeping The Promise of Education

A Fundraiser for James Martinez for
Fresno County Board of Education Area 3

$2,000 Valedictorian
$1,000 Salutatorian
$500 Honor Roll
$100 Per Guest

Thursday, May 9th
6 pm – 8 pm