BYLAWS REVISED, September 12, 2023
I – Preamble
II – Our Mission
I – Qualifications II – Categories III – Dues
I – Executive Board
II – Executive Board Officers
I – General Provisions
II – Equality
III – Nominations
I – Standing Committees
I – General Provisions
II- Quorum
III – Due Notice
IV – Virtual Meetings Contingency
I- General Provisions
II- Due Notice
The name of this organization shall be Fresno Stonewall Democrats (herein referred to as FSD). FSD is a not-for-profit political committee dedicated to the inclusion and advancement of Fresno County’s LGBTQ+ community and its interest in both government and public policy.
II:I – Preamble
We believe that of the two major parties, the Democratic Party is the best home for those devoted to securing fair and equal treatment for people regardless of sexual orientation, preference, or identity.
II:II – Our Mission
We, as Fresno Stonewall Democrats, are devoted to advancing equal rights for all people regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, preference, or expression, marital status, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, disability, medical condition, social or economic status. FSD support the Democratic Party and those Democratic candidates who support our mission.
We will strive to:
1. Educate the LGBTQ+ community about the significant differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to our community.
2. Work to advance the interests of the LGBTQ+ community through advocacy for legislative action.
3. Advocate within the Democratic Party to improve its record on issues of importance to the LGBTQ+ community.
4. Work to elect LGBTQ+ and Allied Democratic candidates at all levels who will be fully supportive of the LGBTQ+ equality movement and the community’s efforts to overcome bigotry, intolerance, and sexism.
5. Encourage our community to support and vote for LGBTQ+ and Allied Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating homophobia and prejudice through legislation and other political actions.
6. Collaborate with other LGBTQ+ groups and individuals to promote these goals and the protection and advancement of our community.
III:I – Qualifications
Any person who subscribes to the principles outlined in the mission statement, has registered their name and contact information with the organization, and is not delinquent on payment of dues shall be considered a member. New members must wait a grace period of twenty-eight (28) days before they are eligible to vote on a resolution before the general membership including endorsements and election of officers.
III:II – Categories
1. LOCAL: Those members who are registered members of the Democratic Party and are not delinquent in paying the local dues.
3. ASSOCIATES (non-voting): Those members who wish to pay local dues or contribute financially to FSD but are not registered as members of the Democratic Party. Associate membership will not be counted toward chartering purposes with any other Democratic Party organization.
III:III – Dues
Local dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Fresno Stonewall Democrats shall not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, disability, medical condition, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, social or economic status, marital status, or sexual orientation, preference, or expression.
and action items.
1. The Executive Board of FSD and order of succession to its Presidency shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Outreach Director, then Member At Large.
2. The President and Vice-President must have been members of FSD for at least three (3) months prior to the date of their election.
3. A member may hold only one elected position at any given time.
4. The term of office of all elected officers shall be two (2) years.
5. All officers shall hold office until their successors are elected to assume their responsibilities.
6. Officers other than the President shall do everything necessary to assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties as requested and report to the President.
7. The Executive Board shall meet on a monthly basis to plan and discuss the upcoming agenda
8. The Executive Board shall supervise four (4) Standing Committees by, among other methods, meeting with their Committee Chairs at least quarterly and be ultimately responsible for the duties of each such Committee. The Supervising Officer shall be a member of the Standing Committee(s) that they supervise and serve as vice-chair. The
committees shall be as follows:
I. Legislative Action Committee: Supervising Officer: Vice-President
II. Endorsements Advisory Committee: Supervising Officer: Vice-President
III. Fundraising and Events Committee: Supervising Officer: Community Outreach Director
IV. Membership Committee: Supervising Officer: Community Outreach Director
9. The Executive Board shall appoint the Chair to each of the Standing Committees.
10. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.
11. The attendance of four (4) officers shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Board.
V:II – Executive Board Officers
Each Officer serves the other Officers, Standing Committees, and FSD as a whole. In addition to the duties listed above and the various Standing Committees of FSD, the duties of the officers shall be as follows:
1. President:
• Shall be the principal executive officer and primary spokesperson of FSD, responsible for leading and directing the overall direction of its Officers and various Committees;
• Shall prepare an agenda and program, in consultation with the Vice-President, and each Chair of each Standing Committee, which shall be subject to amendment prior to adoption, and shall distribute sufficient copies for the meeting;
• Shall chair all meetings of both the General Membership and Executive Board;
• Shall carry out the policies and be governed by the by-laws of the FSD;
• Shall do everything necessary to carry into effect the policies of this organization as voted upon by the membership; and
• Shall serve as an Ex-Officio member of each Standing Committee.
• Shall represent FSD at Democratic events, or assign a representative.
2. Vice-President:
• Shall ensure that all committees meet as needed and that they report on their activities at membership meetings;
• Shall be responsible for the conduct, implementation, and execution of FSD endorsement process and political activities; and
• Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.
3. Treasurer:
• Shall secure written reports from those responsible for all fund-raising activities;
• Shall report to the membership the current financial status of FSD at each
monthly membership meeting;
• Shall be responsible for the preparation and timely filing of all financial reports as required by law;
• Shall create and maintain the functionality of portals for contributions such as ActBlue and ensure access is available to the President; and
• Shall assist in all fundraising events and activities of FSD and oversee donations and sponsorships.
4. Secretary
• Shall record and distribute the minutes of membership meetings;
• Shall be responsible for maintaining a comprehensive calendar of events, activities, deadlines, and programs of the FSD; and
• Shall maintain records of this organization including FSD mailing list; serve all required notices; and maintain the membership roster with current addresses, phone numbers, and, where appropriate, e-mail addresses.
5. Community Outreach Director
• Shall be in charge of the community outreach activities of FSD; and
• Shall support the other Officers and Standing Committees in coordinating community visibility efforts and communication of the activities and actions of FSD.
6. Member At Large
• Shall support the efforts of the Board and assist with responsibilities as assigned by the President.
VI:I – General Provisions
2. Executive Board Officers are to be elected at a biennial meeting for the election of officers where a quorum is present. The biennial meeting for election of officers shall take place in January of odd numbered years, with due notice of such election to all members in good standing.
3. Officers shall be elected in the following order:
I. President
II. Vice President
III. Treasurer
IV. Secretary
V. Community Outreach Director
VI. Member At Large
VI:II – Equity
In the formation of the Executive Board, Fresno Stonewall Democrats shall aspire to create gender equity in the selection of its officers to the degree that qualified and interested parties are available.
VI:III – Nominations
At the membership meeting, at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the annual meeting for the election of officers, any member in good standing can offer the name of another member, or themselves for consideration for any Executive Board position:
1. Only Local Members of Fresno Stonewall Democrats may serve as officers.
2. All persons nominated must be a currently active member and at the time of their nomination, give verbal or written consent and must have all dues and outstanding obligations to FSD paid prior to their acceptance of the nomination.
3. Due notice of these nominations shall be sent to the membership prior to the election meeting.
VI:IV – Elections
1. The election of officers shall take place at the biennial membership meeting for the election of officers. Voting for officers shall be by secret ballot, with those members present whose dues are current to be issued a ballot by the Secretary.
2. A simple majority is necessary to fill an office. In the event a candidate does not receive this majority, a runoff must take place at the same meeting between the two highest vote earners. In the event of a tie, nominations from the floor and a new election will take place at the following monthly membership meeting, with the membership being sent due notice of
such election.
3. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties after installment at the next general membership meeting.
4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of President until a special election can be held at the next regular membership meeting for which due notice of the vacancy can be given to the membership. At said meeting, nominations from the floor shall be made, and the election shall be held. The procedure shall be the same for all other officer vacancies and be conducted as set forth in
regular officer elections.
VI:V – Removal from office
1. An Executive Board Member shall be removed from their seat if the member misses three consecutive board meetings without providing an official excuse to the President or Executive Board;
2. Any Officer may be removed from office upon petition by one-half plus one of the entire voting membership or by the agreement of the other five members of the Executive Board.
VI:VI – Virtual Election Contingency
In the event that FSD cannot meet in person to carry out its officer elections, the meeting shall be held via a virtual platform. Voting for officers shall be by secret electronic ballot.
VII:I – Standing Committees
1. There shall be four (4) Standing Committees. Those committees shall be: Legislative Action, Endorsements Advisory, Membership and Fundraising and Events.
2. All Committee members must be members in good standing with FSD.
VIII:I – General Provisions
1. Membership meetings shall be held monthly but no less than eleven (11) times per year, either in person, or virtually, with due notice to each member.
2. An e-mailed agenda will be sent prior to the meeting and a printed copy shall be made available in-person to be adopted at the start each meeting.
3. Minutes from the prior meeting shall be provided to members for review and adoption.
4. A financial summary of expenses, revenues, membership renewals, and current account holdings will be reported at each meeting. Members may request an e-mailed, or printed copy of the current month’s financial summary.
5. Special meetings of the membership may be called at the discretion of the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or by a majority of the Executive Board, with notice to all members by e-mail or personal contact.
VIII:II- Quorum
For a general membership meeting, no quorum shall be required unless a vote is required and then it shall be twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership, provided a majority of the officers are present.
VIII:III – Due Notice
Due notice is deemed to be given as the general membership of the Fresno Stonewall Democrats always convenes on the second Tuesday of each month at 6p.m. Notice of at least seven days (7) shall be given either by e-mail or personal contact as to the location of the meeting. Cancellation of a
membership meeting shall also be notified by e-mail or personal contact in as timely a manner as the situation permits.
VIII:IV – Virtual Meeting Contingency
In the event that the FSD cannot meet in person, meetings shall be held via a virtual platform and hosted by a member of the Executive Board who will serve as its moderator. All other FSD meeting business will proceed as usual, and due notice of the meetings shall be given.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Fresno Stonewall Democrats in all situations in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and federal, state, county, and city laws.
X:I – General Membership
Resolutions may be introduced in writing at any general membership meeting. Passage shall require only a simple majority where a quorum is present unless in conflict with other FSD bylaws.
X:II – Executive Board
FSD Executive Board shall have the power to pass resolutions when timeliness is of the essence, or a quorum of the general membership is not attainable. This authority shall not extend to endorsements.
Bylaw changes may be proposed by any voting member provided they are agreed to by a majority in attendance at a regular meeting where a quorum is present and are then sent in writing to all members for consideration at the next regular meeting where they must be approved by a majority vote where a quorum is present.
XII:I – General Provisions
Fresno Stonewall Democrats may endorse candidates or support, oppose, take no position on, or indicate a lack of consensus on ballot measures in any election as provided below.
XII:II – Percentage Required for Endorsement or Recommendation for Endorsement:
1. FSD, by affirmative vote of sixty percent (60%) of those members voting, abstentions not counting towards the total, may:
• Endorse any Democrat who has filed as a candidate for public office; or
• Take a position on a ballot measure.
2. Calculation of Percentages: The sixty percent (60%) threshold is calculated by multiplying the number of votes cast, excluding abstentions, by .6 and, if a whole number is not obtained, rounding up to the next whole number. In the case of votes cast by ballot, blank ballots shall be counted as abstentions.
3. Continuity of Endorsements Between Primary and General/Run-Off Elections: If a candidate was endorsed in the Primary, that endorsement shall remain in effect for the General/Run- Off Election, unless rescinded, or a new endorsement position is adopted after reconsideration, as provided herein below, or the endorsement is revoked as provided by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
4. FSD may expend funds to candidates who have been endorsed in accordance with the procedures in this Article.
XII:III- Due Notice
Notice of at least twenty-eight (28) days shall be given for any general membership meetings at which endorsements will be considered with a list of the names of candidates and information on ballots measures to be considered for endorsement.
XII:IV Special Elections
In the case of a special election where there is only one Democrat candidate
running the club may endorse without calling for a special endorsement meeting.