Clovis City Council seeking to ban books

[Email from Jennifer Cruz at Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center]

For concerned Valley residents, especially Clovis residents, employees and parents, please show up for the Clovis City Council meeting, TOMORROW, Tuesday, September 5th, at 6 p.m. to make public comments regarding the agenda item (#20) added by Councilwoman Pearce. She is working to lobby the Clovis City Council to send a letter to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors about her concerns over LGBTQ books and Pride month displays in county libraries.

“20. Consider Approval – Letter to Fresno County Regarding Library Concerns from the Community.”

These displays have been available in Fresno County libraries for many years and this year some leaders have made this an issue of “protecting the children” which has resulted in harassment of some Fresno County Library staff and fueled hateful rhetoric against the LGBTQ+ community. It is important to start showing up in larger numbers to oppose policies and potential ordinances that could hurt our community. In May of this year, the BOS proposed an ordinance restricting the flying of any flag that is not the US, California, or POW flag at Fresno County Buildings. They passed this 5-0 in June 2023, with almost no opposition from the public, stopping any flying of a Pride flag.

The Council Chamber is open to the public for Council Meetings. If you wish to speak to the Council on an item by telephone, you should contact the City Clerk at (559) 324-2060 no later than 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.


EMAIL MAYOR & Clovis City Council here:

If we can show up in Clovis and voice our concerns then maybe no letter will be sent to BOS and they can leave the libraries alone moving forward. Councilwoman Pearce has made many problematic statements in her position at Clovis City Council meetings and has been supported by Fresno City Councilman Garry Bredefield, who will be trying to move to BOS in 2024. We will have to stay current with that board and communicate if they do try to make policies opposing pride displays in the future–which is a concern given that some of those board members were touring libraries last June and making an issue of the displays.

We are asking anyone who can attend TOMORROW night’s meeting to do so and help tell the Clovis City Council that we oppose the writing of any letter to the BOS that will try to reduce the visibility of the LGBTQ community in the future. Key points could include reasons it is important to increase visibility, especially for Queer youth who often feel isolated, have higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, and are often lacking familial support.

Our agreed-upon “message to the council” today was that decreasing visibility in public county libraries does more harm than good to youth in our community. And, the divisive nature of Councilwoman Pearce’s narrative makes our whole community less safe from harm, harassment, and discrimination. Folks can text “Advocate” to 559-862-1040 for text updates of future advocacy opportunities.

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