Latest Endorsements and October Meeting Recap

Please see our Endorsements Page for a full list of all club endorsements and positions:

Meeting Recap:

At our most recent meeting on October 8th we heard from London Taylor via Zoom on Prop 33 and Prop 34. Back in August we heard from three candidates asking for endorsement by our club and two of them came back this month to speak again about their campaigns.  All three candidates have completed and submitted our Questionnaire. Members in good standing voted by secret ballot and endorsed the following candidates for the November election:

  • Kevin Arias-Romero for Mendota School Board
  • Esmeralda Hurtado for Sanger City Council
  • Reyna Medrano for Sanger Mayor

Members also voted to take the following positions on these ballot measures:

  • Prop 3: Yes
  • Prop 33: Yes
  • Prop 34: No

Endorsement selections are decided by club members in good standing in accordance with our club bylaws.

At this meeting we also heard from Brian Poth of The Source LGBTQ Resource Center in Visalia, who filled us in on services and events hosted by the Center, including the monthly Rainbow Mixer and Saturday’s Pride Celebration in Visalia.

Announcements for April 2024


MONDAY – FRIDAY: 10:00AM – 12:00PM at Dem HQ:

WEDNESDAYS: 6:00PM – 8:00PM at Private Home in Clovis:



04/09 5:30 PM – Fresno Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting with guest Robin McGehee, Fresno City LGBTQ+ Liaison, and Zander Moricz on Zoom on organizing against “Don’t Say Gay”

04/14 2:00 PM – PFLAG Fresno Monthly Meeting: Speaker will be Adam Chang with Oasis Legal Services, experienced in immigration legal services for the LGBTQ+ community.

04/21 12:00 PM – Volunteer Round Up for Fresno Rainbow Pride at Dave & Busters: Long and short term volunteer opportunities. Experience not required. Everyone is welcome. Questions:

MAY 2024:

05/11 8:00 PM – Sandra Bernhard Pride Kickoff at Tower Theatre (tickets at

5/14 5:30 PM – Fresno Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting: Endorsement Meeting and Guest Speaker Michael Evans on the Tax Payer Deception Act

5/19 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Fresno State Rainbow Graduation at Satellite Student Union. Fresno State LGBTQ+ and allied graduates will be provided rainbow-themed medals, stoles and tassels as graduation gifts! The crowdfunding campaign is April 2 to 30, 2024. We welcome your support!

JUNE 2024

06/01 10:00 AM – Fresno Rainbow Pride & Festival:

Meeting Recap for March 12, 2024

Our March meeting with Dr. Peter Robertson was very well attended and held in the larger meeting room that is so much nicer for our group. The huge TV made it possible for everyone to clearly see Dr. Robertson’s presentation and there was even a microphone and speaker setup so he could be heard over the sounds from the other rooms. It was a pleasure to see new faces and recognize some familiar faces from the past, who who came for their very first Stonewall meeting.

During normal business the club motioned and voted to approve a $250 sponsorship for “Democrats In Action”, an annual fundraiser for the Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club, being held this Saturday at 11:30 AM at the Manhattan. The sponsorship includes two tickets for the luncheon. Terry Stasio and Marsha Conant will represent the club at this event.

Club members tonight also voted to become a sponsor of the Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade & Festival at the $400 level. The sponsorship includes a spot in the parade, a booth at the festival, and an ad in the program. We’ll now need all of you to show up on June 1st to walk with us in the parade or ride on our float! We’ll also need a couple volunteers to run our club’s Information & Voter Registration booth at the festival afterward (we will soon have a sign up sheet for this).

SPECIAL ELECTION ANNOUCEMENT (28 day advance notice per our bylaws): Myra Coble has volunteered and been nominated for the currently open position of Treasurer. Next month, at our April 9th meeting, members will vote to elect her officially in that position.

THANK YOU Dr. Peter Robertson for your wonderful presentation on “Fostering Authentic and Sincere LGBTQ+ Allyship”. It was so nice for members to learn about your life, your accomplishments, and what motivated you to follow the path you’re on.

AND THANK YOU Joseph Bascetta for the cake! What an unexpected treat that was! Yum.

Thanks again for all that attended the meeting tonight. It was great to see those of you who return every month, and it was really wonderful to see so many new faces coming to their first meeting. We hope to see you all again at our next meeting in April, if not before. :)

Thank You Lillian Faderman, Sponsors, Hosts, Friends…

…and thank you to all who attended our recent event and for being a part of a fun evening with long time friends, associates, and allies. The evening was delightful, exceeded all our expectations, and attendance surpassed all previous club events since before the pandemic. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and contributed to this event.

Special thanks to our sponsors and hosts who made everything possible.

Democratic Women In Action
Beth Lederach
Bruce Jewell
Peter Robertson

JoEl Vargas & PRP Wine International
Marsha Conant
Fresno Reel Pride

Marsha Conant
Myra Coble
Robin McGehee
Cathy Brass
Kathryn Hall
Carole Laval

Special Thanks to our hosts
Richard Jennings & Peyton Bryars

Guest Host
Fresno City Council Vice President

Annalisa Perea

Guests of Honor

Lillian Faderman & Phyllis Irwin

and Congratulations to the
Silent Auction Winners!

An Evening with Lillian Faderman

A Conversation about
“Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death”

With Special Guest Fresno City Council Vice President Annalisa Perea

Lillian Faderman, author of Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, will be our guest at a special event at Richard & Peyton’s fabulous home on March 23, 2023, at 6:00pm. Councilwoman Annalisa Perea will start off the conversations as we all relax and enjoy this intimate talk. There will be some great food and refreshments for all to enjoy throughout the evening.

Lillian Faderman is a professor emeritus at Fresno State where she taught for 40 years, she with her partner Phyllis Irwin started the Women’s Studies Program in 1971. Faderman is a distinguished scholar of LGBTQ2+ and ethnic history and literature. She has received numerous awards for her previous twelve books, three of which Surpassing the Love of Men, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers and The Gay Revolution, have been named by the New York Times as Notable Books of the Year. Her most recent book is WOMAN the American History of an Idea.

Tickets are $30 for Stonewall members, $35 for non-members, and $10 for students. We have VIP tickets for $100 that include a signed copy of her book or you can be a sponsor of the event for $250 or $500.

Click here to pay via ActBlue: 

Pay with your Smartphone

Printable Flyer (PDF): Click here

Visit Dr. Faderman’s website to learn more about her
and the books she’s written:

Final Endorsement Round on October 11

Fresno Stonewall Democrats will review Propositions to decide on recommendations for the November ballot. We will also be reconsidering candidate endorsements where a candidate previously endorsed did not succeed in the June Primary or a candidate not previously considered has requested our endorsement. Doors open at 5:30 pm for our Social and the Business Meeting will call to order at 6:00 pm.

You can review all of our Endorsements here:

Election Day is less than a month away and ballots have been mailed out!

Voter Information:

Official information from Fresno County Clerk:

Additional Endorsements Meeting information below and on our calendar:

Next Meeting is Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 at 5:30 PM

Please join us on Zoom for our meeting this Tuesday (3/8/22) at 5:30 PM. We will have guest speakers, new business to discuss, and announcements of upcoming events we hope you will attend! We would like to encourage discussion of current events and hot topics during the first 30 minutes “social segment” of our meeting, and then we will call to order at 6:00pm to handle business and hear from our guest speakers.

Guest Speakers:

  • Bryan Cauwels of Fresno Rainbow Pride
  • Los Angeles Controller Ron Galperin for State Controller
  • Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara for Re-election

(Jeffery Robinson was originally scheduled to speak to us but Brian Cauwels will be stepping in for him while Jeffery is recovering from a recent health emergency.)


The agenda, last month’s minutes, and other reports are available on our .

Draft Agenda:

  1. Meeting Calls to Order – Marsha
  2. Flag Salute
  3. Introductions of Members & Guests
  4. Approval of February minutes – Calvin ()
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Terry
  6. President’s Report – Marsha
  7. Old Business
    1. Harvey Milk Day Spring Brunch – May 22, 2022
  8. New Business
    1. Proposed topics for future meetings
    2. Sponsorship of FCDCC Padilla Event, April 5, 2022
  9. Guest Speakers
    1. Bryan Cauwels of Fresno Rainbow Pride
    2. Los Angeles Controller Ron Galperin for State Controller
    3. Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara for Re-election
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment

You can find ALL of our contact information, website,
and social media links at our new Link Tree:

Harvey Milk Leadership & Action Forum on May 20

This forum will feature LGBTQ community leaders and will explore different ways members of the LGBTQ+ community can get involved and take action to advance the interests of our community. Panelists will talk about running for office as openly gay people, leading by your values, getting involved in campaigns, organizing, volunteering, getting involved in causes and starting non-profits and creating spaces for community growth. This is an LGBTQ+ focused forum, but open to all and should be highly informative to all.

The webinar will be hosted via zoom.
Register here:

Wish List Donations to Fresno EOC

We’ve collected a few items and a little bit of cash for Fresno EOC’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center but we’d like to give them a little more!

  • Sleeping bags/blankets
  • Sock/beanies/gloves/scarves
  • Hygiene Products for Hygiene Kits  – Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouth wash

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center of EOC provides supportive services to enhance the health and well being of individuals of all ages in the LGBTQ+ community. Serving all individuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, HIV, and questioning community members in the Fresno County area.

Items can be dropped off at Marsha’s home (call, txt, or email for address) or picked up by the Board. Please email if you would like a pickup.

If you would prefer to make a monetary donation we’ve created a separate ActBlue link just for this occasion. Donations received through this link will be used only to purchase the items on the list above (do not use this link to join or renew your membership, that should be done at the usual link on our website):

We will be collecting items and donations until December 15.