Arriving 14 years too late for the Hurricane Katrina conspiracy theories, an American rabbi has claimed that the devastating storm was divine punishment for a gay pride parade, and was “a foretaste of God’s anger.”
As the LGBT community (and corporations keen for the diversity dollar) deck themselves up in rainbows for Pride Month celebrations, one New Jersey rabbi is fighting back against the “homosexualization of society,” calling on Jews in the religious community of Lakewood, New Jersey, to boycott an upcoming gay pride celebration hosted by the Lakewood BlueClaws, a Minor League Baseball team.
“This is something that affects the entire country and the entire society,” the rabbi ranted, in a YouTube video published Monday that, among other things, lamented “the pushing of foreign values down our throats.” The religious leader went on to slam the local library and various community groups for “corrupting” Jewish youth with LGBT pride events.
In a flyer distributed around Lakewood at the same time, the rabbi issued a “dire warning.”
Hurricane Katrina which occurred in 2005 on Southern Decadence Day when a gay pride parade was supposed to be held but was stopped when the dams burst. Homosexual conduct is the worst form of sinful behavior.
The hurricane, which killed more than 1,800 people and dealt catastrophic damage to New Orleans and the surrounding areas, was “a foretaste of God’s anger,” ahead of “its final outpouring on the day of judgment.”
The rabbi’s fire-and-brimstone crusade elicited laughs of derision online. “Damn! We certainly have some awesome powers,” one commenter wrote on Reddit. “Pentagon would have already weaponized this gay hurricane effect if it was true,” another said.
Others were more blunt. “As a Jew myself, f**k this guy” wrote one.